Advertising Diversity: Ad Agencies and the Creation of Asian American Consumers (Duke University Press, 2015)

Advertising Diversity: Ad Agencies and the Creation of Asian American Consumers (Duke University Press, 2015)

Beeline: What Spelling Bees Reveal about Generation Z's New Path to Success (Basic Books, 2019)

Beeline: What Spelling Bees Reveal about Generation Z's New Path to Success (Basic Books, 2019)

Desi Land: Teen Culture, Class, and Success in Silicon Valley (Duke University Press, 2008)

Desi Land: Teen Culture, Class, and Success in Silicon Valley (Duke University Press, 2008)

Language and Materiality: Theoretical and Ethnographic Explorations, Co-edited with Jillian Cavanaugh (Cambridge University Press, 2017).

Language and Materiality: Theoretical and Ethnographic Explorations, Co-edited with Jillian Cavanaugh (Cambridge University Press, 2017).