Opinion Editorials
Media Interviews and Appearances
2019 WNYC, Gen ‘Bee’, June 4.
2019 National Public Radio, This Is The 92nd Year For The Scripps National Spelling Bee, May 29.
2019 KERA News, Interviewed for “How The National Spelling Bee Showcases The Determination Of Generation Z.” May 24.
2019 Cheddar, Interviewed for “One Anthropologist Takes a Look at How Spelling Bees Shape Generation Z.” May 23.
2016 BBC, News Hour (Start at 34.48), May 27.
2015 CNN.com, Interviewed for “Why Indian-Americans win spelling bees: P-R-A-C-T-I-C-E.” June 3.
2015 BBC, News Hour, May 30.
2015 CNN, Brooke Baldwin, May 29.
2015 National Public Radio, Here and Now, May 29.
2015 Time, Interviewed for “Here’s a Theory About Why South Asian Americans Totally Rule the Spelling Bee.” May 28.
2015 Canadian Broadcast Company, As it Happens, May 28.
2015 The Guardian, Interviewed for “Life after the Spelling Bee: 'It’s one of the most unique, odd clubs you can be in'” May 27.
2015 Washington Post, Interviewed for “Indian Americans dominate the National Spelling Bee. Why should they take abuse on social media for it?” May 25.
2015 “National Spelling Bee Champions Face Stereotypes.” New Hampshire Public Radio’s Word of Mouth, April 16.
2014 Expert interview for CUNY TV’s Asian American Life, segment on spelling bees, Sept 7.
2012 Live television interview on race and advertising. Chicago Tonight, WTTW, Chicago, May 12.