Referee Journal Articles
























By Year

2016     “Coming in First: Sound and Embodiment in Spelling Bees” Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 26(2)1-22.

2014    “Producing Authenticity in Global Capitalism: Materiality, Language, and Value.” Co-AuthorJillian Cavanaugh. American Anthropologist 116(1):1-14.

2013    “Affect and Sport in Asian American Advertising.” South Asian Popular Culture 11(3): 231-242.

2013    “Racial Naturalization, Advertising, and Model Consumers for a New Millennium.” Journal of Asian American Studies 16(2): 159-188.

2012    “Creating Model Consumers: Producing Ethnicity, Race, and Class in Asian American Advertising. American Ethnologist 39(3): 578-591.

2011    “Style and Language Use among Youth of the New Immigration: Formations of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class in Everyday Practice.” Identities 18:646-671.

2011    “Asian American Youth Language Use: Perspectives Across Schools and Communities.”Review of Research in Education, Special Issue: “Youth Cultures, Language, and Literacy” 35:1-28.

2008    “Speaking like a Model Minority: ‘FOB’ Styles, Gender, and Racial Meanings among Desi Teens in Silicon Valley.” Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 18(2): 268-289.

2006    “Metaconsumptive Practices and the Circulation of Objectifications.” Journal of Material Culture 11(3): 293-317.

2004    “Reel to Real: Desi Teens' Linguistic Engagements with Bollywood.” Pragmatics 14(2-3): 317-335. Reprinted in Beyond Yellow English: Toward a Linguistic Anthropology of Asian Pacific America, Angela Reyes and Adrienne Lo, eds. Pp. 309-324. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.